UP TGT/PGT Recruitment 2013–
U.P. Secondary Education Service Selection Board has recently notified the examination date of TGT and PGT for various subjects. Actually these recruitments are done in year of 2011 . But due to staff crises they are unable to complete the recruitment process so now they are recurring again for TGT and PGT post of teachers.
This written exam will be held in 11 zones of Uttar pradesh for Trained Graduate and Post graduate teachers.
Exams Dates of TGT exam Are:
25th August to 1st September 2013
Date of PGT Exam-
8th of September 2013.
Examination Pattern-
There is a written exam held for candidates.
Part -1
General Awareness,Current Affairs,General Science & Indian Constitution,General Science & Indian Constitution Reasoning,Teaching Aptitude,Quantitative Aptitude etc.
English: 20 MCQs &
Hindi: 20 MCQs
This section cover own subjects
Official Website: www.upsessb.org