There is a good news for all the students who have scored less than 60% in there graduation,Now they are also elgiible for applying to IBPS PO III exam.We hope so if you are one of them then you are smiling.
Yes this a very good news for all the students who have less than 60% marks in graduation as now they can appear for the IBPS PO III exam.
Revised IBPS Eligibility Criteria for the recruitment of POs/MTs under CWE-PO/MT-III:
Educational Qualification :
Any candidate who have the graduate degree in any stream can apply for the IBPS PO exam. There is no need of having at least of 60% marks in graduation course.All graduates candidates can apply for the IBPS exam.
Age :
Minimum – 20 years
Maximum – 30 years
Age relaxation for SC/ST and OBC candidates as per as govt. rules.
Computer Literacy-
There is no compulsion of computer literacy.
i.e. Not mandatory.