Multimedia and its Uses / Applications


Multimedia is “Multi-Media”. Media is basically refers to computer display which only shows Text only. So Media is associated with the Printed hard copies of documents. Whereas Multimedia is entirely in contrast with the term “Media”. Multimedia the name itself represents that it consists of Media in multiway nature. As the name suggests multimedia includes,




Text Alphabets



Digital Media

Digital Camera

Recoding of visual perceptions

Motion Picture movies

Flash Animation


Industrial Design

Computer Science

Interaction between Humans and Computers

Multimedia components and portions are generally stored in Media files. In these current days, almost all Personal Computers (PCs) are coming with capable and supporting videos, music, animation, and more and are mostly applied to various Industries. To get an idea of multimedia applications, kindly read through below notes.

Multimedia Services

Important Multimedia Programs:

Some of the Important  programs are listed below in some important categories. So various programs are,

A).Maya, Flash, Blender, comes mainly under Graphics Category

B).Interactivity category basically includes, MySQL, AJAX, Flash and Flex and PHP

C).And Audio category is of Sound slides, Pro-tools, Adobe Auditions and more

D).Similarly programs in Video Category are, Canopus Edius, i Movie, Flash Video Encoder, Final Cut Pro

E).Text programs are like Word press, InDesign, and Dream weaver

F).We already might have little idea about Photography programs such as Flickr, Nikon Capture, Photo shop (Widely used program), Vuvox, PTMac, Cubic Connector and Converter.

Multimedia Applications/Uses:

Applications can be noticed in various vast numbers of areas. The list of its Applications include the following,

i).Medical Field

ii).Advertising agencies

iii).Educational Field


v).Presentation programs

vi).Gaming Industries

vii).Musical and Film Industry

viii).Research and Development

ix).Visual Processing

x).Marketing Sector

xi).Visual Arts, Printmaking, Decorative Arts


xiii).Multimedia patient databases

xiv).Newspaper Publishing

xv).Airports/Shopping malls/various workplace organizations/Offices

xvi).Broadcasting Services and many more

xvii).Video and Audio Presentations

xviii).Commercial Industries

xix).Stage Projections

xx).Live Shows (Live or Video Streaming)

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