MAT 2014 Registration Started, AIMA MAT Exam 2014 last date sale of forms is 23rd Aug 2014.MAT 2014 Exam is conducted by AIMA All India Management Association every year.AIMA MAT 2014 Notification has been released for September, 2014.MAT 2014 Exam Registration here from the following link, MAT Exam date 2014 are provided below in detail.AIMA MAT 2014 Registration Closing date is 23rd August, 2014.MAT 2014 Test Date, Test timings, Eligibility details and more other details are provided below. Interested and qualified candidates are requested to make Online/Offline MAT 2014 Registration on or before closing date 23rd August, 2014.
Name of the Exam: MAT Exam 2014 (Management Aptitude Test)
AIMA MAT Important Dates:
Last date for Sale of Forms: 23rd August, 2014
Last date of Submission of filled in Registration Forms at AIMA, New Delhi: 25th August, 2014
Last Date for Online Registration: 23rd August, 2014
Last date for submission of filled in Online Registration Forms at AIMA, New Delhi: 25th August, 2014
MAT 2014 Test Dates:
Candidate can choose any ONE of the two options “Paper based test” (Or) “Computer Based Test”
a).Paper Based Test: 07th September, 2014 (Sunday)
Timings 10:00 to 12:30 Hrs (Reporting time-09:00 hrs)
b).Computer Based Test: 13th September, 2014 (Saturday)
Timings: In different Time slots at specific test venues
Educational Qualifications:
i).Graduate in any discipline (stream)
ii).Final year student of Graduate Courses (3rd year/4th year graduates) can also apply for MAT 2014
How to APPLY for MAT 2014?
Apply Modes: Online or Offline
I. Payment by DD (Application Forms):
i).MAT 2014 Application forms with MAT Bulletin/CD can be obtained from the “Nodal Centres of AIMA or from AIMA, New Delhi” .Click on the “Click here for Sale counters to get application forms”
ii).Obtain Crossed Demand Draft (DD) of Rs.1200/- (One thousand two hundred only) in favour of “All India Management Association” payable at “Delhi” from any Bank
iii).Then Register online at by clicking on the APPLY Link provided below along with the DD details
II.Payment by Credit Card/Debit Card (ATM card)/NET BANKING (Apply Online):
i).Candidates can register online by clicking the following APPLY link provided below
ii).Candidates can make payment using Credit Card/Debit Card (ATM card)
i).Candidates can register online by clicking the below APPLY Link by making the payment of Rs.1200/- through “NET BANKING”
MAT Exam Pattern:
There are 5 sections.
Total Time: 2:30 Hrs
Each section consists of 40 Q.(40 Q*5=200 Q)
i).Language Comprehension – 40 Q (Suggested time-30 minutes)
ii).Mathematical Skills – 40 Q (Suggested time-40 minutes)
iii).Data Analysis & Sufficiency – 40 Q (Suggested time-35 minutes)
iv).Intelligence & Critical Reasoning – 40 Q (Suggested time-30 minutes)
v).Indian & Global Environment – 40 Q (Suggested time-15 minutes)
Click to APPLY for MAT 2014 (AIMA MAT Sep,2014)
Click here for MAT 2014 Test Centres