IBPS Clerk CWE IV 2014 14th December 2014 GK Questions, Institute of Banking Personnel Selection has been conducting IBPS Clerk 2014 examinations from 06th December 2014 and continues till 27th December 2014.IBPS Clerk 2014 Result will be declared in the month of January 2015.Hence candidates are requested to notice that there is a good competition in clerical cadre examination. So prepare well and perform well. Candidates who have appeared for exam today on 14th December 2014 (Sunday) can check their General Awareness and Computer Questions here.
Name of the Organization: IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection)
Name of the Job Position: Clerical Cadre (CWE IV)
Important Dates:
Date of IBPS Clerk 2014 CWE IV exam: 14/12/2014 (Sunday)
IBPS Clerk CWE IV 2014 14th December 2014 GK Questions:
Q).What is the full form of VAT?
Ans: VAT – Value Added Tax
Q).Which of the following is headquarter of UNIDO?
Ans: Vienna (Austria)
Q).What is the full form of NCR?
Ans: NCR – National Capital Region
Q).What is EBOLA?
Ans: EBOLA is a viral disease
Q).What is the Full form of IFSC?
Ans: IFSC – Indian Financial System Code
Q).”Bichung Bhhutia” is basically related to which game?
Ans: Football
Q).National Human Rights Day is observed on?
Ans: 10th December
Q).Which of the following is the currency of CHINA?
Ans: Yuan
Q).Define EPROM?
Ans: EPROM – Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
Q).What is the full form of WAN?
Ans: WAN – Wide Area Network
Q).How many public sector banks?
Ans: Total of 27 Public Sector Banks
Q).Full form of RTGS?
Ans: RTGS – Real Time Gross Settlement
Q).Sarita Devi is related to?
Ans: Kathak
Q).Nalanda University situated in ___ State?
Ans: Bihar
Q).What is the Full form of ISRO?
Ans: ISRO – Indian Space Research Organization
Q).What is the Capital of Bhutan?
Ans: Thimphu
Q).”Half Girlfriend” is written by ____ Author?
Ans: Chetan Bhagat
Q).Banking Ombudsman appointed by?
Ans: RBI Reserve Bank of India
Evening Shift Questions:
Q).Anirban Lahiri is related to which sport?
Q).Unity day is observed on?
Q).What is the currency of Oman?
Q).Which of the following is the capital of Kuwait?
Q).Olympics 2016 will be held in?
Q).Davis Cup is related to ____ Sport?
Q).Who is the Skill Development Minister?
Q).What is the constituency of Rajnath Singh?
Q).What is the Headquarter of UNICEF?
Q).What is the full form of RTGS ?
Q).What is the Target under PMJDY ?
Q).International Day for Elimination of violence against women is observed on ?
Q).What is WWW ?
Q).18th SAARC Summit held in ?