2014 Year is known as the Employment Year.Most of the Government jobs 2014 notifications are going to release this year.As we all know that every one remain been waiting for the 2014 government job notifications.With the Same Syllabus,candidates can attempt for approximately 40 different various government exams 2014.Candidates are requested to go through below the exam patterns of several government jobs with the Same Syllabus for the Academic year 2014.
Syllabus covering all the below exams:
@ Numerical Aptitude:
Quantitative Aptitude is a very critical section where most of the candidates will be tested.So candidates can prepare much of these following topics such as Profit & Loss,Time & Work,Time & Distance,Ratio & Proportion,Mensuration & Geometry,Probability,Trigonometry,Algebra & Equations,Simple Interest,Compound Interest,Progressions,Number Series and more.
@ Reasoning:
Blood Relations,Analogy,Verbal Analogy,Mathematical operations,Water Images,Mirror Images,Comparison test of Reasoning,Odd Man Out,Classification,Directions,Data Sufficiency,Statements And Assumptions,Ranking Test,Alpha Numeric Symbol Tests,Seating Arrangement,Coding-Decoding and more.
@ General Awareness:
Awards & Honors,Books and Authors,Indian Economy,Indian History,Sports General knowledge,Inventions names and years,Physics related questions,Biology and Chemistry,Dates and Days,Indian Geography,International and National Affairs,Persons in News,Current Affairs.Be Up to date by reading National news papers,and even books available for Current affairs Latest.
@ English:
Vocabulary,Comprehension Passages,Use of Prepositions,Phrases,Idioms,Articles,Fill in the Blanks,Spotting errors in the Sentences,Grammar,Active Voice and Passive Voices,Parts of Speech,Vocabulary,Antonyms,Synonyms,Re-arrangement of Jumbled Sentences,Spelling correction and more.
@ Computers & Marketing:
MS-Word,MS-Excel,Compilers,Basic fundamentals of computer,Parts of computer,Keyboard and its keys,Word Processing,Computer Networks,Band Width,Data base Management Systems,Booting,Generations of Computer,Classification of computers,Hardware,Computer Software,Computer Abbreviations.Types of Market Situations,Marketing Aptitude,Marketing Segmentation,Marketing Planning,Distribution channels in Marketing,Management Processes,Information Technology in Marketing knowledge,Consumer behaviors and more.
Government jobs exams 2014 details:
Note: Candidates are requested to go through the above examination pattern and other more details.The above table was Prepared based on the Previous written examination Pattern Only.Considering the previous recruitment’s, information is given to the best of our knowledge in the Table.Also candidates are requested to get good command over the above 5 Sections,to crack any kind of examinations easily.