Chandigarh Administration JBT NTT 592 vacancies Recruitment 2014, Education Department Recruitment notice for the posts of Junior Basic Teachers JBT and Nursery Teacher NTT 2014.Chandigarh Administration Recruitment 2014 is going to fill up 489 posts of JBT Junior Basic Teachers and 103 posts of Nursery Teachers. Chandigarh Recruitment 2014 Eligibility criteria, educational qualification and other more details are provided below. Interested and Eligible candidates are requested to apply for this Chandigarh Administration JBT NTT 592 vacancies Recruitment 2014 on or before 28th November 2014.
Name of the Organization: Chandigarh Administration
Name of the Job Posts & No. Of vacancies:
I).Junior Basic Teachers (JBT): 489 vacancies
(General-235; OBC-177; SC-77; PH-13; Sports-21; ESM-56)
II).Nursery Teachers (NTT): 103 vacancies
(General-55; OBC-32; SC-16; PH-3; Sports-5; ESM-12)
Important Dates:
Starting date of Submission of Applications: 03rd November 2014 (09:00 AM onwards)
Last date of receipt of Applications: 25th November 2014 (Up to 5:00 PM)
Last date to deposit Application Fee: 28th November 2014 (till 2:00 PM)
Conduct of Written Test: Date will be uploaded on website by 05th December 2014
Educational Qualification:
For Junior Basic Teacher: (JBT)
i).Candidates must have completed “Graduation or its equivalent degree” from a recognized university with 40% of marks and 50% of marks at 10+2 level
ii).Diploma in Basic Teacher Training not less than the 2 years recognized NCTE with minimum of 50% of marks
For Nursery Teacher : (NTT)
i).Candidates must have Senior Secondary School Certificate (10+2) or else Intermediate or its equivalent qualification with minimum of 50% of marks.
ii).And Diploma or certificate in NTT or its equivalent from NCTE with minimum of 50% of marks
Age Criteria: (As on 01st January 2014)
For JBT Posts: 21 to 30 years
For NTT Posts: 18 to 27 years
Written Test Pattern:
Two objective Type tests of 100 Marks each
Paper I (Morning Session):
Duration of Exam: 02 hours
Total Marks: 100 Marks
Total Questions: 100 Q
Multiple choice questions (MCQ) having 20 questions each on English, Hindi, Mental Ability, General Awareness and Teaching Aptitude
Paper II (Evening Session):
Duration of Exam: 02 Hours
Total Marks: 100 Marks
Total Questions: 100 Q
Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) having 25 questions each on Science, Social Studies, Mathematics and Punjabi. Level of the questions will be as per qualification prescribed for the above corresponding posts.
How to Apply for Chandigarh Administration JBT NTT 592 vacancies:
1).Candidates are first required to click on the following “Click here to APPLY ONLINE” link provided below.
2).There a list of tabs can be seen, so click on the first Menu “Educational Department, UT, Chandigarh”
3).Click on the Second tab to go forward; there click on “NEW REGISTRATION”.