Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre 109 vacancies, for filling up various posts.Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, Government of India has issued its advertisement No.VSSC/R&R/VNB-04/GA/2014 for recruiting Graduate Apprentices.Detailed number of vacancies, age criteria, eligibility criteria, educational qualifications, application form and other more details are provided here. This is going to conduct for 2014 -15 batch for filling up 109 vacancies under several posts. Hence candidates are requested to apply for Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre 109 vacancies Recruitment 2014 on or before last date 21st October, 2014 by 5:00 PM.
Name of the Organization: Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre
Name of the Job Position: Graduate Apprentice
Important Dates:
Starting date for receiving online registrations: 08th October, 2014 (10:00 Hrs)
Last date for online registration: 21st October, 2014 (17:00 Hrs)
Closing date for receiving application by post: 31st October, 2014 (05:00 PM)
Code – Number of Vacancies:
(GA01) Aeronautical Engg – 06 vacancies
(GA02) Chemical Engg – 05 vacancies
(GA03) Civil Engg – 04 vacancies
(GA04) Computer Science Engg – 08 vacancies
(GA05) Electrical Engg – 04 vacancies
(GA06) Electronics Engg – 30 vacancies
(GA07) Mechanical Engg – 29 vacancies
(GA08) Metallurgy – 04 vacancies
(GA09) Production Engg – 05 vacancies
(GA10) Library & Information Science – 14 vacancies
Educational Qualification:
From GA01 to GA09:
I).Candidates must have possessed first class engineering degree (4/3 year duration) granted by a recognized university. Candidates must have obtained minimum of 65% of marks in their academics.
For GA10 Post:
I).Candidates must have “Any Degree + First Class B.LISc.with minimum of 60% of marks”.
Stipend: Rs.5000/- per month
Duration of Training: 01 year
Age Criteria: (As on 21st October, 2014)
Upper age limit: 30 years
Note: Age relaxation will be applicable for SC/ST/OBC/PWD candidates
Selection Process:
- Selection panel shall be drawn based on the marks scored by candidates under southern region of BOAT.
How to Apply for Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre 109 vacancies Recruitment 2014?
1).Candidates must apply for this recruitment through ONLINE mode only. While registering candidates must give their active Email ID, after filling the details click on the SUBMIT button
2).After successful registration, click on CONFIRM button. There after candidates are requested to print their applied application, take two copies of the same.
3).Candidates must send their application duly affixing recent passport size photograph along with the “Self attested copies of certificates of their SSLC/SSC certificates”. Candidates if applicable must attach community certificate (SC/ST), Non creamy layer certificate(OBC),Disability certificate(PWD candidates).
4).Candidates must super scribe “Application for Graduate Apprenticeship Training (Discipline: _______)” to the below address so as to reach on or before 31st October, 2014
5).Applications must be sent to:
The Sr.Administrative Officer,
Recruitment and Review Section,
Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre,
Thiruvananthapuram – 695022