Last updated on 20th November 2014
SBI Clerk Result 2014 held in July/August 2014 Download, can be obtained here. State Bank of India Advertisement No.CRPD/CR/2014-15/02 has been released to recruit young candidates for the post of Clerks. Around 6000 vacancies are going to be filled by SBI Clerical cadre recruitment 2014.SBI Clerk 2014 result for several circles are given below. State Bank of India Clerk Result 2014 exam held in the month of July or August 2014.Many candidates are eagerly waiting for SBI Clerk 2014 Result, hence candidates are requested to revert back to download SBI Clerk Result 2014.
Name of the Organization: State Bank of India
Name of the Job Position: Clerical Cadre
No. of vacancies:
Total vacancies: 6183 vacancies
Pay Scale: 7200-400/3-8400-500/3-9900-600/4-12300-700/7-17200-1300/1-18500-800/1-19300
(Under view)
Salary – Rs.17500/- per month
Probation Period: Minimum of 06 months
SBI Clerk Interview 2014:
1).Soon after getting SBI Clerk 2014 Result eligible and merit candidates will be called for SBI Clerk Interview for 2014 -15 year.
2).The applicants qualified in the online test will be placed “According to the marks obtained in descending order” in the respective categories.
3).Candidates are requested to notice that Candidates ranking high enough in the merit will be called for SBI Clerk Interview 2014 -15.
4).Three 03 candidates will be called for Interview for each vacancy that ratio of candidates will be 1:3 (for 1 vacancy – 3 shall be called for Interview)
5).For Final selection, candidates also have to score minimum percentage of marks (will be decided by the Bank)
6).The final selection of SBI Clerks 2014 will be made considering the scores of Online test and Interview together.
Note: The SBI Clerk Result 2014 will be released very soon. Hence candidates can downloadtheir Interview call letter from the link which will be updated here soon. Candidates mustdownload their SBI Clerk 2014 Interview call letter after declaration of result of SBI Clerk Online test 2014.