SBI Clerk Recruitment 2014 Exam Books and its SBI Clerk 2014 Exam Preparation, tips for SBI Clerk Exam are given in detail.Then,How to Prepare for SBI Clerk Recruitment 2014 ? This is the biggest doubt many of aspiring candidates get.Yes, there is a solution for this doubt. You simply follow the following instructions for SBI Clerk Recruitment 2014 – 15 Exam preparation, Exam Books and SBI Clerk Exam Tips. Sure you would get some idea on SBI Clerk Exam Preparation. Candidates who have already applied and applying candidates for SBI Clerk Recruitment 2014 – 15 are requested to go through the following recommendations of SBI Clerk Recruitment 2014 Exam Books, Clerk Preparation.
Name of the Bank: SBI (State Bank of India)
Name of the Recruitment: SBI Clerk Recruitment 2014 – 15
Total No. Of Posts: 5092 vacancies
Important Dates:
SBI Clerk 2014 Admit Card Download: From 09th July,2014
Date of SBI Clerk Examination: July/August,2014
Type of Test: ONLINE (Objective Test)
Selection Process:
1).Online Objective Test
SBI Clerk Exam Pattern:
Total Sections: 05
Sectional Cut Off: Yes
Duration of Exam: 02 hours 15 minutes
Negative Marking: 0.25 Marks
A).General Awareness – 40 M
B).General English – 40 M
C).Quantitative Aptitude – 40 M
D).Reasoning Ability – 40 M
E).Marketing Aptitude and Computer Awareness – 40 M
SBI Clerk Exam Preparation Reference Books:
Kindly follow SBI Clerk Recruitment 2014 Exam Books to secure good marks in SBI Clerk Exam.
For General Awareness – Manorama Year Book
For General English – ABC of English, Dachepalli Publications
For Quantitative Aptitude – Arun Sharma
For Reasoning Ability – R.S Agarwal (Verbal & Non Verbal)
For Marketing Aptitude and Computer Awareness – Arihant Publications
TIPS for SBI Clerk Exam 2014:
- The Main Key factor in Competitive Exams is – SPEED
- As there is a Limited time be cautious. Duration (2 hours 15 minutes),to solve 200 Questions, think !!! the time that you will be given is very limited time
- Test yourself that on which topics you are good at? And Poor at?
- If you have attempted previous government job competitive exams, we think you might have got an Idea by now. So Choose the topics which you feel tough
- First concentrate on “Difficult Sections” at the start of your preparation. So that you can spend lot of time on toughest subjects. Then Concentrate on “Easier Sections”
- Candidates are required to Prepare for SBI Clerk exams for about 8 to 10 hours minimum
- Allot more time for preparing “Reasoning” and “Quantitative Aptitude” Sections.(Practice is weapon)
- Do as many Mock tests as you can. Solve 4 or 5 years Previous SBI Model papers to get an Idea
- By Solving SBI Previous model papers, candidate would get an estimation on “WEIGHTAGE”.Then Prepare accordingly
- We would recommend, studying and sharing with the friends is better than Self (Alone) study as far as the remembrance is concerned.
SBI Clerk 2014 Exam Preparation Plan:
For General Awareness:
1).Go through Daily Newspapers regularly for current affairs
2).Get an Idea on Latest Banking Changes, Banking Latest Policies, Banking Terms, Banking Calculations besides to other concepts
3).Get knowledge on the following topics in your finger tip
Awards – Winners
Important Days
Sports – Winners
Scientists – Discoveries
Books – Authors and more
For Quantitative Aptitude:
1).To get good score in this section; candidates should be well in Squares, Additions, Subtractions, Multiplications, Division, and L.C.M, to solve Problems with in less time
2).Prepare and solve as many problems as you can on,
Time and Work
Simple Interest, Compound Interests
Pie Charts
Number Series
Line Graphs
Data Sufficiency
Bar Graphs
Time and Distance
Partnerships are important and get idea on other topics too
For General English:
1).To acquire good skills on vocabulary, go through ENGLISH NEWSPAPERS daily
2).Prepare the following,
Basic Grammar
Vocabulary (If you are good at Vocabulary, then you can easily solve comprehension passage kind of questions)
Spotting the Errors
X class standard general English (If you are good at this standard, sure you can gain GOOD SCORE in this Section)
For Reasoning Ability:
1).This Section takes MORE TIME to identify the answers
2).You can prepare the following topics in reasoning,
Coding and Decoding
Seating Arrangements
Blood Relations
Alphabet Test
Non Verbal Reasoning
Statements and Conclusions
For Marketing Aptitude and Computer Awareness:
1).Candidates would find this “Marketing Aptitude and Computer Awareness” section especially in SBI Recruitments.
2).As far as the toughness is concerned; the Questions in this Sections are EASY
3).Candidates are required to Prepare for “Marketing Aptitude” on
Marketing Terms
Marketing Types
Abbreviations related to Marketing
4).For “Computer Awareness” concentrate on
Hardware and Software Basics
Basic Computer Terminology
Basic Parts of Computer
Computer Terminology
Computer Usage
Operating Systems
MS Office, MS Word, Excel
Internet like wise
Note: Candidates are advised to give equal importance to each section while you are preparing for SBI Clerk Examination. SPEED is the Key Factor for this examination.”Continuous Practice” is the Major Weapon to beat your competitors.