* Updated on 27th October,2014
Check Status of Postal Assistants/Sorting Assistants Paper I to be eligible for Paper II Typing Test. PA/SA 2014 Paper II Computer Skill Test / Typing Test Skill Test schedule is provided below. We are very happy to say that, the Second round (Computer Skill test) of Postal Recruitment is going to be held from 12th July, 2014.Candidates who have appeared for Postal Recruitment in 22 postal circles in the country and qualified in 01st round (Written Test) are needed to appear for second round of selection Process. Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants 2014 written test qualified candidates are requested to check the PA/SA 2014 Paper II Computer Skill Test / Typing Test Skill Test.
Name of the Recruitment: Postal/Sorting Assistants (India Post)
Important Dates:
For Maharashtra (24):
Paper II (Computer Skill Test) Exam Date: 08th to 13th October,2014 (09:00 AM onwards)
For Haryana (17):
Paper II (Computer Skill Test) Exam Date: 12, 13 & 14th July, 2014 (09:00 AM onwards in Batches of 2 hrs each)
For Kerala (22):
Paper II (Computer Skill Test) Exam Date: 12, 13 & 14th July, 2014 (09:00 AM onwards in Batches of 2 hrs each)
For Karnataka (21):
Paper II (Computer Skill Test) Exam Date: 15 – 19th July, 2014 (09:00 AM onwards in Batches of 2 hrs each)
For Uttrakhand (21):
Paper II (Computer Skill Test) Exam Date: 25 – 27th July, 2014 (09:00 AM onwards in Batches of 2 hrs each)
Latest Schedules:
For West Bengal: 09th to 13th October, 2014
Note: 09:00 AM onwards in Batches. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
For Tamilnadu: 24th to 29th September, 2014
Note: 09:00 AM onwards in Batches. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
For Uttarakhand: 25th to 27th September, 2014
Note: 09:00 AM onwards in Batches. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
For Orisha: 25th to 28th September, 2014
Note: 09:00 AM onwards in Batches. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
For Chhattisgarh: 09th to 11th September, 2014
Note: 09:00 AM onwards in Batches of 2 hr each. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
For Gujarat: 13th to 19th September, 2014
Note: 08:00 AM onwards in Batches of 2 hr each. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
For Rajasthan: 16th to 24th September, 2014
Note: 09:00 AM onwards in Batches of 1.5 hr each. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
For Jharkhand: 17th to 18th September, 2014
Note: 09:00 AM onwards in Batches of 1.5 hr each. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
For Punjab: 17th to 18th September, 2014
Note: 09:00 AM onwards in Batches of 1.5 hr each. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
For Assam: 20th to 21st September, 2014
Note: 09:00 AM onwards in Batches of 2 hr each. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
For North East: 21st September, 2014
Note: 10:00 AM onwards in Batches of 2 hr each. And for timings please check your Admit card by logging through followed link.
Note: Other Postal Circles Paper II Computer Skill Test Schedule will be updated here soon.
Number of Papers:
Paper I: Written Examination (100 Marks)
Paper II: Computer / Typing Test (Paper II)
How candidates get shortlisted for Paper II (Computer Test)?
I).Applicants numbering 5 times the total number of vacancies in each category (OC/SC/ST/OBC).
i.e., Candidates get shortlisted from Paper I = 5 times the total No. Of Vacancies
II).Candidates shall be declared qualified in descending order of “Merit” based on the marks secured by them in the Aptitude Test (Paper I) for taking Computer/Typing Test (Paper II)
PA/SA 2014 Computer / Typing Test (Paper II)::
Typing Test Duration: 30 minutes (15 minutes for Typing + 15 minutes for Data Entry)
a).The above typing test consists of “One passage” consists of the following words to be typed with the following mentioned speed.
450 Words – In English – 30 Words per minute
375 Words – In Hindi – 25 Words per minute
b).Test in Data Entry will be of some figures and letters each carrying equal marks on Computer
c).The above test will be conducted on “Computer Keyboard” but not on a “Typewriter”
d).The marks will be based on the Speed and Accuracy.
e).As this test is combined test, marks in both the components will be put together for qualifying in Paper II
How to Download PA/SA 2014 Admit Card for Computer Typing Test?
1).Candidates are first required to check their STATUS for Paper I to be eligible for Paper II Computer Skill Test by logging in to the website from the provided link
2).Candidates shortlisted to appear in the Postal Assistants / Sorting Assistants 2014 Paper II Computer/Typing test are required to download the Admit Cards
3).Finally selected candidates will be allotted to the posts and Division as per their preference based on their position in the merit list and availability of Vacancy
Check Status of Paper I and shortlisted candidates are required to Download PA/SA 2014 Admit Card for Paper II Computer/Typing Test from the below Link
Check STATUS of Paper I to be eligible for Paper II Typing Test
Click here to LOGIN for PASA 2014
Pls provide gujarat answer key..
Dear Mayur Ahuja,
Gujarat Postal answer will be updated soon on http://www.pasadrexam2014.in
Keep checking the above website to get Gujarat Postal Answer key which will be available soon
clear or not??
Dear friends could u all please suggest the final merit list cutoff for general category……
how to get the result of paper 2 for west bengal postal circle 32.Pls help me with full detail.
iam from ap i got 55 marks and iam OC categeory can i have any chances for paper-II? can any one tell me please
Dear Yamuna,
You secured 55 marks which are low,that too for OC Candidates.And there are members who secure more than your marks.We are regret to say that there may be very less chances of Paper II.
I am from orissa and got 55 marks and i’am general category,can i appear for paper-ll?as i’am not getting my result??please help!!!
Dear Candidate,
Odisha Answer has been released on June,2014.So you can login and Check the Answer Key.If you are eligible for the paper II exam then in the same page you will find ADMIT CARD Download link for Paper II.
I got 53 marks in gujarat postal circle examination. …and I’m from sc category. …I hv any chance for paper 2
And if yes then when will the second paper for gujrat postal circle
Dear Ravi,
Gujarat Answer key was released yesterday (i.e.,on 18th July,2014).So kindly login by clicking the following provided link.You have secured 53 marks which are not adequate to get chance for attending Paper II.However,if you are eligible then you can find ADMIT CARD link for Paper II examination in the same page.All the best
Bt I’m from sc category. …..maybe there is chance so
Dear Ravi,
Of course you may be from SC Category.Think the candidates of Same category SC who score more than 53 marks may move for the next round.We are not mentioning that you are not eligible.But check once by logging in,if you are eligible for Paper II then you would see ADMIT CARD link there.
So when the paper 2 for gujrat postal circle admit card release….?
Do not worry,We shall intimate you soon “The Exam date of Paper II” for Gujarat Postal Circle.
hello sir i am from st cast from gujarat .i got re-14 maths-11 g.k-15 eng-11. total -51 marks .can i appearing second round may chance or not pls tell me….
Dear Sunil,
You have scored 51 marks which are very low to get chance for paper II exam.Anyhow,we shall update soon the PAPER II Exam date on this same page,so there you can check your validity for paper II by logging in.
Ok tysm sir, but please sir inform me when will gujarat postal circle paper 2 admit card release. …and one thing that shortlisted candidates means who clear the criteria given by postal na…..it means 8 marks for sc in all section. ……
Dear Ravi,
Yes,as you said sectional cut off in all sections is 8 marks for SC category students.But telling in detail,candidate must have obtained 8 marks in each section.And at the same time candidates who score highest marks get chance for PAPER II test (Merit wise).If candidates have obtained total of 89 marks,but in one section if he scores only 6 marks then sure he is not eligible for further round.So Hope we cleared your doubt…
I am From Gujarat.. Sir Please Inform me About Paper II means When We Will able to Download Admit Card…??
Dear Mehul,
Do not get worried.By now,India post has conducted Paper II exams for “Karnataka,Haryana and Kerala Postal circles” only.So We shall know the Paper II exam date exactly soon and will provide on the same post.So keep visiting this following page to know PAPER II Exam date for Postal circle.Based on that you can view ADMIT CARD link when you login with your details,if eligible for Paper II test.
Sir I am sunny kumar beloning to obc category and got 73 marks from maharashtra.will I select for next round or not
Dear Sunny,
You have secured good marks (73 marks for OBC category).So there are chances of getting eligibility for Paper II.The Exam date for Paper II will be updated soon on the below post.So to know Paper II exam date for Maharashtra region,kindly keep checking the following Page.
Sir i am from gujarat and i got 66 marks as per answer key published what are the chances that i will be selected..????
Mehul,66 marks is an average marked score.So there are less chances for getting selected for Paper II.Even,you can look for it when the exam date will be given by officials by logging in.If you then qualify for Paper II then you would see ADMIT CARD link other wise you will not get the link.
Last year cut off was very low… and this year it will go so high..??????
Dear Mehul,We can not determine this year higher merit mark since it will be taking relatively on Merit base.Wait for Few more days,we shall update on the Same post of Paper II.So then you can check your Eligibility for Paper II.
Hello! Sir..
I’m from Odisha and got 60 marks. I’m from general category. Will I be eligibe for paper-ll exam ?
As the result of our circle is not yet declared.
Sir please help!!!
Dear Monalisa,
You have scored average marks (60),but notice that there are many people who have scored more than 60 Marks.So there are very less chances of getting selected for Paper II.We shall let you know,and we will update the Paper II exam date on the same post soon.If you get selected for Paper II,then when you logging in to the following page,you will see the ADMIT CARD link for paper II.
sir i got 64 in 1st round obc category..My total mark 64 ..i am belongs to bihar is there any
chance for me for second paper plz rply…And can you tell me that minmum typig speed should be 30 w/p or may be less . what is qualifing criteria for typing speed..whate is the instruction is given in test…And Tell me about typing test in Indian post office pa sa which software is used in this exam and which type of data entry test is to be held in this exam?The typing test held on software or wordpad.
Hello Dwarika
Yes there may be chances that you may select for Round 2 Computer Test exam. And it will be on a software and result will be displayed just after you complete your typing test. It will tell you either you have qualified the typing test OR Not. You need at least 30 words per minute speed to clear the typing test. There is two type of test in computer test the first one is Paragraph—> You need to type a paragraph and need to have at lelast 30 word per minute speed. And the second one is Data entry. You need to fill some data and need to have good speed over it to clear the typing test. Keep visiting our site to get more Information.Soon we are with full details.
Hello sir mere mark 73 hai or m u.p s general cat .. she hu mere typing speed 40 hai or accuracy 95% h kya main final merit main select ho skta hu plz sir tell me
Hello 73 marks with 40 words per minute with accuracy of 95%. There is very high chances of getting select. Wait for the final result. Hope you got select.
I had secured 55 marks and from general category in UP. What are the chances to get shortlisted for round 2? and kindly describe the entire procedure for getting shortlisted.
No i think it is not possible to be selected after getting 55 marks you have to get at least 65 marks as you belongs to general category so you need more marks.For shortlist you have to visit the official website of postal services.
How would I get to know whether I’m shortlisted or not?
UP state result is not announced yet. You may check here : http://www.pasadrexam2014.in/ OR keep visiting our site to get more details.
Hello Sir, I appeared for PA/SA exam for Assam circle. I have some queries regarding computer skill test. Please let me know whether we wil be provided hard copy for the paragraph to type in from or the paragraph will be visible in the monitor screen from where we need to type in from. And whether for the data entry test, it is to be filled up in excel sheet or somewhere else. Kindly help me in this regard. Thank you
Hello sir me from assam circle ST category get 59 marks in paper 1. I cross all sectional cut of each part… may I go for paper 2…… plz kindly reaply soon Sir
Hello Srest
As you are from ST category so there are very high chances that you will be called for Computer Test.
Good Luck 🙂
Sir mere marks h, Eng 15 gk 13 reasong 22 math 25, total 75, gen cat, Gujarat circle, kya chance h, typing test typing master pe hoga?
Yes probably you will go into the second round. All the best.
And yes Typing test will be on same software as Typing Master Software.
Thank u sir, I am working hard for 2nd round….
hi i am from gujarat and i scored 63 open category.. how is ur speed on key board. if we do not score 30wpm then we selected .yes or no.
Hii…. When will be the postal assistant Paper II results in karnataka circle
I had secured 60 marks and from sc category in Maharashtra. What are the chances to get shortlisted for round 2?
As you are from SC category and scored 60 marks so there might be chances of getting into the second round. Wait for the result.
Dear Rahul,
If we get 26 wpm then we selected or not
You need to have at least 30 wpm speed.
hello sir …. When will be the postal assistant Paper I results in AP Circle.please inform us sir
Hello Madhu,Wait for few more days. Keep visiting our Site. We will update everything.
When.will.be.paper 2 result.for.assam.declare .iam.from.general.category
Kindly wait for few days more. We will update everything here, Keep visiting our website.
Rahul, I have attended postal assistant computer skill test for kerala circle, and i have heard from one of my friend as the results are out and she got selected, through mail, do you have any idea on weather the results of kerala section is out or not…
Hello AKhil
Currently second round results are not announced officially yet on the Postal Website.
So wait for few days more. We will surely update the result on our website.
i am from west bengal and scored 71 marks OBC …what do you think…sir…plz reply….
There might be good chances of getting into the second round.All the best.
Sir I am from Maharashtra and I have got 69 in obc marks as per answer key is there chance for second round sir please reply me I am waiting
Thanks & Regards
As you are from OBC category so there are some chances of getting selected into the second round. Wait for the Result. All the best.
Sir, I am now working in Private company as data entry operator So, my typing speed is 56 wpm in typing master. then can I select for final selection
Yes Sure Sarita. You need to just qualify the Second Round i.e. Typing test. Candidates need to just qualify the exam. It doesn’t matter if one have 50 words and other have 40 words per minute. They need to just qualify the exam. It doesn’t impact on the final result if someone have too high speed in typing test because final result will be totally based on 1st Round marks.
Sir my name is khan I have got 40 marks in exservicemen quota is there any chance for second round
I think its very difficult for you. May i know you are from which state ?
Sir andhra pradesh and pl tell expected date to release result
In Karnataka There are 500 vacancies and In Maharashtra 1400 vacancies. In 2013 Maharashtra cut off for open in 44 & number vacancies is 198. in 2014 Karnataka open cut off is 62 So, I am thinking that as per vacancies the cut of should be near about 60 to 62 of Maharashtra for open category. This is my observation about the Maharashtra State post office. Sir are you agree with me about the cut off Maharashtra circle
Hey Sarita
Thanks for sharing stats on our site.
And I think you are nearly right. But in my opinion cut off will goes upto 70 marks for General category students. And for SC category students it will lies between 55-60.
We will request our members to share your state stats with us so that other people get help from your observations. Because it is very difficult for us to give every state pre-result opinion.
Sir mere mark 73 hai or m OC cat… up se hu mere typing 35 word per min hai kya m es job m select ho skta hu
Hello Ankur malik
As you said you have typing speed of 35 words. Be sure your accuracy is above 95%. If it is then surely you will got selected. As 72 marks in 1st Round is quite good marks in OC category.
This is for all the Students who will applicable for computer skill test:-
The student who wants to practice for typing they can download software “TYPING TRAINER” From http://www.typingtest.com/ site.
In this software we can type 30 minute passage without break, So guys download this software
When will come the result of Maharashtra State. Sir please tell me if any idea
Probably in end of the August month or in the next month.
You will get nearly 19000/- salary in your hand. And 71 in ST category probably you will get selected. ST cut off remains between 55-65 and even sometime nearly 50 in some states.
40 WPM is good speed. If you have good accuracy then you will get selected.
Sir, Do have any idea of Karnataka,Haryana, Kerala State cut off for computer skill test for open, OBC, SC category or any other guys who belongs the above states please tell me
Sir my score is 75 & typing spd 35+ with 97% accuracy, in gujrat circle, genral cat, kya chance h selection ka, result kb tk aayega sir ?
75 is good score and you will surely get selected. Kindly subscribe us in order to get future updates.
Uttrakhand Circle Paper II Schedule—25th August to 27th August.
Sir what will be the Cut off marks for OBC in Bihar region.When the result of Bihar circle will be published.Do u think that cutoff will swing around 55-70 for OBC?I want to know that …..when will declare the result IPO exam of Bihar.
Yes Cut off will remain 60-70 for OBC in Bihar Region. Let wait for the second round of Bihar Circle. It will be very soon.
hi sir ,
i am from maharashtra circle i got 62 mark 14,16,13,19 each section. i am in obc ,
i m shortlisted or not for 2nd paper…and one question is typeing test is in englist or hindi compalsary or any one of them. i have 40 wps seed in english typing with 80 % accuracy but hindi typing is very low …suggest the same about typing exam
I am from maharastra … i got 65 in paper 1…… is there any chances for paper 2……
when will be the 2nd exam conducted for maharastra ?
You are from which Category ?
hai rahul ,i belong to general category and iam from ap circle.i got 67 marks as per official answer key. what are my chances to get selected for the next round
Probably you will be short listed for Computer Test. But this time competition is very tough. As most of our site users got above then 65 marks. So its very early to say anything about Final Selection. But for computer Round there is chances for you.
Anyone know the marks of selected candidates for Paper II in Uttarkhand, Kerala, Karnataka and Haryana. If you please post it…
what is the cut off of uttarakhand cut off for computer skill
hai rahul, as previously said , i belong to ap circle general category,67 marks in paper-1, so if i perform well in typing exam with my typing speed of 40wpm and 95% accuracy,will i get more than 80 marks. then will i have chance to increase my overall score so that it helps me for my final selection. or is it like how much higher the speed and accuaracy may be but the maximum marks alloted are only 80/200?
hello sir, i am deepika from M.p. region i got 63 marks in sc category, have i chance shortlisted for paper second………
63 marks in the SC category will consider as good marks. There is a chances of getting selected for the 2nd round.
hi rahul , i belong to general category ap circle, iam getting 67 marks. If i maintain high speed and accuracy in typing test then is there any chance for me to get more than 80 marks.so that my combined score of both the papers will increase and that will help me for the final selection.please reply me as soon as possible.
67 marks is quite good. Hope you will got selected. All the best.
why this department is too slow??i mean why result is too late??Really the process is very slow. The exam was done 3-4 months before but the result is not declared yet. Haryana, Kerala, Karnataka and Uttrakhand Postal Circles result out friend share your marks those who are selected for the paper 2 typing exam…????
Yes dept is too slow. Fact is that 2013 clear candidates still waiting for there joining’s. If anybody clear this exam this time he can expect his/her joining in the year of 2015.
Paper II scheduled on August 25-27, at Uttarakhand Postal Circle has been rescheduled…Why..????
May be it is due to interference of other exams on same dates.
Sir, mera application form lost ho gya hai jiske karan koi problem to nahi aa sakti hai muje. Mere pass omr sheet or question paper safe hai and paymewnt sleep bhi available hai. Mere 86 answer correct hai. Sir, kya kya problem aa sakti hai without application form ke btaiye.
if you have your registration number and Roll number you don’t need to worry.
I have scored 68 in obc from Maharashtra. My typing speed is 59wpm with 97% accuracy is there chance for final selection.
In 2013 cut off for open is 42 & for OBC is 44 so what is for 2014?
68 is good marks and 59 wpm is also good. So there will be higher chances of getting selected. Wait for the final result. And this time we are expecting cut off of 55-60.All the best.
sir i m frm maharashtra i got 64 marks i belongs to sc cat there may be chance of selection for typing test
pls rply sir
64 marks in the SC category is quite good. There is a chances of getting selected for the second round.
Dear rahul ,
I am from up circle nd I got 64 marks in paper 1 in general category according to answer sheet. How much chance to shortlist for paper 2 typing n data entry test
In the UP region 64 marks in general category have 50-50 chances. So wait for the result.
I have scored 55 in sc category from Assam. My typing speed is 35+ wpm with 98% accuracy is there chance for Typing test ?
55 in the SC category have 50-50 chances. So wait for the result.
sir iam getting 66 marks belong to ap circle general category,what would be the expected cut off for general category in ap circle
66 marks in General category are average marks. So We can’t assure you that you will get selected. But there is very much chances of getting selected into the second round. All the best
Agar koi banda typeing exm main 40 ki speed lata hai aur koi 1 sharp 30 ki speed lata hai aur dono main clash ho to kaun select hogo
I Request to all students of Maharashtra to post their marks of paper I
Please, post yourself & your friends marks.
This is humble request to all student.
Please share your Paper I marks
i belong to general category of ap circle(543 vacancies) i got 67 marks as per official key what are my chances ? will i be selected for typing test please rely asap. iam very much worried.
67 marks in General category are average marks. So We can’t assure you that you will get selected. But there is very much chances of getting selected into the second round. All the best
what would be the cut off for general category in ap circle. iam getting 67 marks ,i belong to general category,please reply iam getting very much tensed
Sir, What was the previous year (2013) cut off mark of Assam circle for Typing Test
i got 75 marks in pa exam in ap circle under general. any chance to second paper
Yes. Probably you will get selected for second Round.
my name is Kaustav, i am a general candidate from westbengal. i got 73 as per answer key. shall i get call for paper 2 test?
Yes. Probably you will get selected for second Round.
hiii…. was paper II results declared in karnataka circle???????
When will the come result of Maharashtra?
Now, We have tired for waiting result?
It is Postal Dept. Ask Modi to fast up the system. You have to wait dear.
Sir mai haryana circle se gen. Cast se mere written me 82 no h or typing test me speed 40 + rahi or entry 27 complete huii but during typng error hits 16_20 ho gyi h kya mera koi chance h…..plz replay
16-20 what in typing paragraph OR in data entry ?
In typing pharagraph 16-20
We are not sure. But if you had given typing speed of above 30 words then you have good chance. Wait for the final Result now.
dear prdeep, if we get 26 wpm then we eligible or not
sir i am from M.P circle obc and i got 63 marks may i eligible for 2nd exam?
This time everyone has scored good marks so surely cut off will goes high. Wait for the result dear.
Mai obc cat . se 62 marks aaya hai maharashtra me chances hai selection k
This time everyone has scored good marks so surely cut off will goes high. Wait for the result dear.
sir mere gujrat se obc cat.me 63 number .koi chance h kya select hone ke.pls tell me sir
This time everyone has scored good marks so surely cut off will goes high. Wait for the result dear.
Hello Sir,
I have scored 68 marks in OBC category from Maharashtra. My typing speed is 49wpm with
98% accuracy so what will be the chances for final selection? what is cut off for obc in Maharashtra?
We can not tell you now what is cut off for Maharastra as this time most of the students got good marks. So we need to wait for the result. And you had also scored good marks. Probably you will be selected for second round.
sir does the typing certificate is required for typing test???
No Mohit, You are not required to have any typing certificate.
ty sir
Sir mai bihar se hu pr exam gujrat se diye h, kya state language jruri h?
No, You need to just know Hindi and English.
Hello Sir,
I have scored 68 marks in obc from Maharashtra. My typing speed is 49 wpm with 98% accuracy is there chance for final selection.
There is good chances of getting selected after scoring 68 marks. But its better to wait for final result before predicting anything.
I got 85 obc bt typing speed 18/20 wpm h any chance for final list plz sir tell me
Defenatly speed had 40+ error,hits in parahraph 16-20 entry done 27 can never say selection have,or,not…..in haryana circle…
i m from karnataka. my score is 64 in paper 1 & did well in phase2 so what is my chances in merit list. i belong to obc.
Hi Sir/mam,
what will be cut off for Maharashtra circle, my score is 59 marks & my typing speed is 42 wpm with 96% accuracy so any chance for final selection?
May I know your category ?
hi Sir,
I m from Assam Circle, I am obc category.. I got 55 number.. is any chance to select for Paper II. plz tell me sir…
I got Reasong – 18 , english – 11, math-14, gk. 12
I think its tough to get into the second Round for you as you belongs to OBC category. Let wait for the official result.
my score is 76 UR category from Maharashtra region. what are my chances?
my typing speed is slow. 25wpm with 95% accuracy. How to improve typing fastly. when can we expect the date of paper 2?
76 is a really good marks in PA/SA exam. There are very high chances for you.
Sir i am kaustav, general from west Bengal. As per revised key i got 72. In WB total vacancy is 698. Shall I have chance to get call for typing test?
Hello Kaustav
72 is a good marks. And there are good chances for you.
Sir revised answerkey se mere 77 aa rha h, gujrat se, gen cat. kya chance h, result September last ya October me aayega sir, rply plzzz….
Hello Ravish,
There are very high chances for you after scoring 77 marks.
hi rahul,
my paper 1 score is 59 (obc) maharashtra state may be any chance for paper 2…….and my typing speed is 45+ with 95% accuracy….plzzzzzz tell me
sir i am frm maharashtra sc category.i got 52 marks,plz tell me is there any chance.
As you are belongs from SC category so there is a chances. Wait for the Result.
Rahul sir, I got 65 marks, I am from Maharashtra circle and belongs to OC category, any chance for paper 2?
Wait for the Official Result dear. Hope you will get selected for Second Round.
Sir ji 18/20 ki typing speed 2nd round clear ho jyga kya? Plz tell sir
You need to have at least of 30 wpm speed to clear the Typing test.
54 marks in OBC category is quite difficult friend.
hye sir, i want to know about score reqiure for second round for gujarat circle and result of gujarat delcared today i got 56 marks and clear all section as per the revised answer key from gujarat and sc category but i am not selected for second round so i want to know how i can get my mark status from postal department i have hopes that i wiil be selected for second round bcose i got 56 marks plz tell me about gujarat cut off at which minimum mark candidates who belonging to sc categories are selected, and frnd tell me who selected for second round with your marks
Hello Rohan
Actually Postal dept will not tell you your marks in Postal Exam phase 1. It will only tell to those who are selected.
There is another way to know your marks i.e. RTI Application. You need to fill a RTI application. Hope it will work for you.
Dear Rahul..
I got 65 marks in 1st exam in gujarat circle in open categary.
i am not selected for appearing for 2nd round test.
but want to ask you that is there any contengency chance as in other exams…
is there any second round of cutoff ?
please reply…
Hello Rahul Sir,
Sir do you know the cut off gujrat post circle cut off of OBC, OPEN, SC, ST if yes can you share with us.
I request to candidates who selected for II round in Gujarat Circle Please share your result & your friends who selected in second round.
It’s humble request to all friends
thanks & regards.
Sir obc 37% pr clear diya huaa h 2nd round k liy to 18/20 wpm s clear ho jayga na sir
Sir i am from delhi (sc category) and i am expecting 66 marks .
. what are the chances that i will be selected..????
in SC category 66 marks is a good marks. Hope you will get select.
sir is postal department call for skill test on the basis of marks( that is if candidate having high marks will called in first day or like that) i got 75 in cg circle
Hello sir m from Gujarat n general category n i have 70 marks what are my chances to get places if i clr typing test?
70 marks is a good marks. Hope you will get selected after clearing the Typing test.
Hello sir.. I m frm Gujarat n general category. My score is 70. What r chances to get placed if i clear skill test?
sir what is the cutt of gujrat obc caste
dear sir myname is Nana,my score is 59 i am in oc cat. can i got chance for paper II.I am belong in maharashtra state
Its very difficult for you as belongs to OC category.
Plz tell me selection or not wtitten no 82 entry 27 typing speed in paragraph 42+ error 18-20 haryana circle genral cast vacancy about 182appro….
sir i have checked revised ans.key i got 50 marks
vancisis r only 65 for sc. i am vry tense plz reply
me sir is there any chance???
Dear Rahul..
I got 65 marks in 1st exam in gujarat circle in open categary.
i am not selected for appearing for 2nd round test.
but want to ask you that is there any contengency chance as in other exams…
is there any second round of cutoff ?
please reply…
Hi Mehul do you know the cut off marks of gujarat…i think there is some mistake in gujarat circle
Dear monika…
i dont know about cutoff but last year cutoff was so low as 50 or below….
this time vacancy is also more as compare to last year…so may be mistake….
nothing but bad luck for us…..
Mehul Patel
Hi, 71 marks, SC cat, from andhra pradesh. and my typing speed is between 37-40, with 96% accuracy. Is there any chances for second round, i am fully tense
Yes 71 marks in SC category is good marks. Probably you will get select.
Hello Rahul Sir,
Sir do you know the cut off gujrat post circle cut off of OBC, OPEN, SC, ST if yes can you share with us.
I request to candidates who selected for II round in Gujarat Circle Please share your result & your friends who selected in second round.
It’s humble request to all friends
thanks & regards.
Dear Sir,
i am from gujarat circle . I got 53 marks in oc category but not selected for the second round and last year the cut cut off was 43 for oc candidates . Sir i want to know the reason of high cut off this year . I am very shocked because of the reasult
Sir, is there any second round of cutoff also?
Hi Rahul
I am from Maharashtra and I got 66 marks and i’am general category,can i appear for paper-ll? please help!!!
can some one tell me what is cutt of gujrat obc category???
I think its 65
hello sir im from obc categoty my toatal marks 50 from maharashtra state pls tell me chances for second round pls tell me reply
Cam anybody tell me that “Do we need to type full-stop (.) and by (/) in data entry test or not.” like 12345.078 and 12/03/19. Please reply
sir i am from westbengal circle, getting 75 marks frm sc category..my typing speed is 25wpm with 94% accu, what are my chances??
You need to increase your typing speed. Your marks are good. But you should make your typing speed to at least 30 wpm.
one is getting 28wpm with 97% accu, and in data entry test he filled up 40 form correctly..so he is getting 58.76 marks in paper 2.will he pass the second paper or not as his typing speed is 28 wpm and as well as he is clearing the cutoff of 40%??
hii sir kya muje app data entry ka pattern bata skte ho kya plz,………
plz jaise bhi ho muje mere mail pr uska link send kr do sir . plz
Kindly login to http://www.pasadrexam2014.in/Dop_User_Login.aspx with your login credentials.
can some one tell me what is the cutt of assam obc circle… plz help
Sir, what is the xpected cutt of assam obc caste.. plz someone tell me
hello friends, I am fom Gujarat, I scored 78 marks and got call for second phase. What if I don’t clear it?
iam udaya from ap circle(541vacncies) general category,,iam getting 67 marks in paper-1 as per revised key. what are my chances to get selected for typing test. i heard that in gujarat general candidate who got 64 marks is also not selected for typing test,gujarat has 564 vacancies.so what is my fate ? please reply iam getting very much tensed.
one is getting 28wpm with 97% accu, and in data entry test he filled up 40 form correctly..so he is getting 58.76 marks in paper 2.will he pass the second paper or not as his typing speed is 28 wpm and as well as he is clearing the cutoff of 40%??PLEASE RAHUL SIR HELP ME WITH MY QUESTION.
Respected sir,
I belong to OBC category from the West bengal circle, I got 72 marks in paper 1 according to the revised key. Pls tell me I am too tensed about this, Pls tell me whether I will undergo the second phase of this exam or not? Pls reply.
you have chances keep practice typing
Sir haryana circle ka typing result kya sbi circle ke typing anounce hone k baad aayega….
Pichli baar kya assa hi huaa tha….typing me glti kitni qllowrd h
I belong to OBC category from the West bengal circle, I got 72 marks in paper 1 according to the revised key. Pls tell me I am too tensed about this, Pls tell me whether I will undergo the second phase of this exam or not? Pls reply.
you have good chances, practice typing test with good accuracy.
sir I belong to west bengal cicle from SC category,with the revised answer keyi am scoring 75 marks.What are my chances…plss tell me sir…
sir i belong to west bengal from SC category..After the revised answer key is published Ia m scoring 75 marks in paper 1..IS IT SUFFICIENT TO GET A CALL FOR PAPER 2???
yes…75 Sc you will definitely select for second round
Sir I m from assam. i got 55.. can i called for phase – II my caste OBC
Sir 40% 2nd paper pas ka kya mtlb h 18 ki speed h kya 2nd paper clear ho jayga kya sir Ji plz tell me 1paper score 80 % h
iam udaya from ap circle(541vacncies) general category,,iam getting 67 marks in paper-1 as per revised key. what are my chances to get selected for typing test. i heard that in gujarat general candidate who got 64 marks is also not selected for typing test,gujarat has 564 vacancies.so what is my fate ? please reply iam getting very much tensed.
i have one doubt…….any one please clarify it? will typing marks added to the final merit list? how will be the shortlisting of candidates after typing test?
for example, if all candidates qualifying the typing test then which marks are considered for selecting the candidates?
Hello Srikanth
Typing marks will not be add to the final merit list
Merit list is based on paper I marks who cleared typing test criteria of qualify
hello sir i am deepak from odisha getting 49 marks obc category,can i appear for paper-ll? please help!!!
plz sir tell me i have passed all subject & getting 49 marks obc category can i appear for paper-ll
This time Cut off is high friend and 49 marks is average marks. Wait for the result.
What is the cut off mark for paper II of Assam circle ?
Please inform.
37% clear ka in 2nd round obc mtlb kya h eska koe bta skta h
Sir, What is the cutoff mark for paper II exam of Assam Circle of SC Category?
hi sir,
muze paper 1 mai 59 mark aye hai aur meri category OBC hai….i am belong to maharashtra…so what is the chance for paper 2
Place someone tell me Gujarat kind second list astro just paper 2 kke plssss ..rpl anybody
hi sir
i have score 55 marks from maharashtra belong to sc category is there any chance for second round.
hi Rahul i got through to paper 2. however, is there anyway to chest the merit list of the candidates selected?
hi i got 71 marks in general category from assam an i got call for paper 2….if i cleared the typing test will i be selected for the job?please reply..
30 wpm in English typing jaruri hai kay . Agar data entry mai jyada late hai to bhi 30wpm ki honi jaruri hai kya. Plese sir tell me?
Aisa suna he ki post walo ne Speed kam kardi he… english ke liye 25 wpm and hindi ke liye 20 wpm.. kya ye sahi he?
unho ne bahhut sare center me xm li uske baad inko pata chala ki koi candidate mil hi nahi raha he isliye sayd aisa kiya gaya he.. fib bhi haan mujhe iski bahut jankari nahi he.. aap sab log test center pe puch lena..
Hello Sir,
I had appeared for computer skill test in that ,my approx typing speed was 28 WPM and i had filled 110 fields correctly in data entery….
i had read in pdf provided by postal office ,each complete from consist 2 marks so each field consist .28 marks and according to this i m securing more then 40%.. please tell me if i am wrong…
waiting to listen from you…
advance thank you
you are wrong you didnt get 40% of marks cause each complete form consist 2 marks and you complete 15 form and 30 wpm is equal to 40 marks.. each data entry and typing consist 100 marks in total 200 marks so you have to get at least 80 marks to qualify…..
30 wpm is alone equal to 40 marks out of 100 marks in typing alone.. and he has completed around 15 data forms and 5 fields in the 16th form.. each form(7 fields) has 2 marks, so (15*2=30) + 1.43 = 31.43 marks in data entry test out of 100. in typing his speed is around 28. so (28*40)/30 = 37.32 marks in typing test out of 100. so totally he secured around 68 out of 200… so he got around 34%
pa/sa 2 typing test gujarat me shakti vidhlayay aya voto gaya kam se kyu k vaha k computers bahot thirdclass h
right bro`
Which paragraph they asked in the typing test? Particularly for Gujarat?
iam udaya from ap circle(541vacncies) general category,,iam getting 67 marks in paper-1 as per revised key. what are my chances to get selected for typing test. i heard that in gujarat general candidate who got 64 marks is also not selected for typing test,gujarat has 564 vacancies.so what is my fate ? please reply iam getting very much tensed
Dear Sir,
When the final result of Gujarat circle will be declared..?
Hello Sir,
How to calculate the typing test mark using that barcode. I attended the paper 2 exam and I dont know how to get my mark. Kindly help me….
for typing test the bar code number will be some thing like this (00280217802093) .this means 28 WPM and the rest meant out of 2178 letters typed 2093 is correct…
for data entry (01930157044086) here the last five digit is marks 44.86..
hope it helped
in typing test whether pressing of spacekey is counted as an keystroke or not?
Hello Arivu,
My typing test barcode is 00270209502025.. What is my mark in the same?? How to calculate that??
Hai Arivu,
Thank you for your reply.. My typing test bar code is 00270209502025.. What is my mark in the same?? Kindly reply..
Hi Sir/Madam,
I am L.Mani (SC) from Tamilnadu circle. I have completed my paper 2 computer ENGLISH typing skill test. I have an query about that, regarding qualifying criteria. For qualifying paper 2 it is necessary to type at 30wpm for ENGLISH as I am a SC candidate. If my speed is low as 25 or 20wpm then marks obtained in Data entry test will get adjusted and the resultant combined mark is just enough for 33%(66marks out of 200) for a SC candidate?
When will the paper 2 result get published?
I am L.Mani (SC) from Tamilnadu circle. I have completed my paper 2 computer ENGLISH typing skill test. I have an query about that, regarding qualifying criteria. For qualifying paper 2 it is necessary to type at 30wpm for ENGLISH as I am a SC candidate. If my speed is low as 25 or 20wpm then marks obtained in Data entry test will get adjusted and the resultant combined mark is just enough for 33%(66marks out of 200) for a SC candidate?
When will the paper 2 result get published?
hello sir,
i wanted to knw the 2nd exam date..for maharashtra!
i want the 2nd stage exam result Gujarat circle
Sir I want dehli exam result of first paper
Haryana circle ka result typing ka ka kb aa rha
gujarat ka skill test ka result kab hai? any idea……..friends..
No idea mate..they r takin too mch tym..
Within 10 days…
Gujarat postal circle exam result within 10 days….
When will gujarat circle’s final merit come out??
Prinka ji aane wala h result tumhare with cetegri nambur kitne h written .My m bhi gujrat see huii st jaipur rahta hu aap meri fb par request send kar dena baki baat waha karege mere nambur search kar lena fb par 9772567039 tt my name [email protected]
Gujrat wale cetegri ke saat writtn ke nambur natao cutt of 52 st oc 64 obviously 59 sc64
sir punjab ka typing test ka result kab avaga. jayda din lage rahe hai. Kya sir paper-2 ke bhi number lage ge ya nahi. merit base 1st paper ke he number lage ge. please sir batana
Is the Gujarat circle final result Declared..??
Everyone has gone to sleep
Postal Department, When the result come of Maharashtra?
22 october
Is it confirm?
when the tamil nadu circle pa/sa exam result will announce ???????????
pls say approximate date for that??????????????
WHEN THE MAHARASHTRA CIRCLE PA/SA EXAM RESULT WILL ANNOUNCED????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Puja download ur admit card for skilll test
what is your score puja
Plz share with us
Some students have got final call for Gujarat circle .
when the maharashtra result will decleard…..
court order dega tab hogi re typing apki delhi circle walo ne case kr diya hai
Hi Kirti please share your marks for help other students
Hey guys plz help me understand the procedure for typing test selection.. Iam from maharashtra circle sc category n hv cleared all sections Wt a total of 59 marks.. Wt r my chances for typing test selection.. plz reply
Iam from Maharashtra circle sc category got 59 marks n cleared All sections.. Wt r my chances for typing test call.
Hi Raj
Last year sc cut off was 48 and vacancy is less than this year
so that i think this year you can probability to select
can you heard that any student get more than 72 marks if any please share here
this is humble request
Hello sapna thank u for the reply I really appreciate it.. sapna as per my knowledge the highest marks I hv heard is 70 for Maharashtra.. I will do more research n update u.. Wt ur score?? N i hv one more question for u..does everyone who clear sectional cutoff get a call for typing or is there a overall cutoff to get typing call??
Hi Raj
My score is 69 from OBC.
After sectional cutoff get they will call 5 times student against vacancy for computer skill test.
Hello sapna thank u vry much for the reply…Iam glad we have a fighting chance now. Now it all depends on typing speed n accuracy.. any idea about final cutoff for sc category Maharashtra circle??
what is the next step in karnataka postal???
pls rply
Hi Krishna
Can you share your marks and category
Please share…………………………..
hi… its not my result.. its my brother result… his marks are 65 (OBC)
Hey when will be the final merit list prepared.
When will be declare final result for tamilnadu circle????
i m also eagerly waiting for final list of tamilnadu circle
i got 85 marks in Mharashtra pa/sa exam 2014 so plzzzzz rply mi can i eligble for 2nd paper and whwn will be the second paper taken out i am bilonging to open catagory so rply plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz repy
result declared for maharashtra…i got short listed for comp skill test …..test on 12 nov
what is your score prashant?
its 66.
Sapana pls download skill test admit card
Hi Prashant
I am also shortlisted for computer skill test my mark is 69 OBC
can you tell your marks Plzzzzzzzzzzz
its 66 and have covered 24/25 data entry forms and 75 % of paragraph.
what is your score prashant?
What is the result date of postal assistant 2014 of UP CIRCLE….please reply…
Not yet Declared …So keep visiting this page from time to time.We shall update the same when it gets declared.
Some body is saying to me that UP circle has been cancelled…it is right…or wrong….please tell me….
Generally there is nothing like cancellation of recruitment in particular postal circle.We shall wait and watch and if any update we will update on the same page.
i got 72 marks in ap postal circle exam….OBC category…..i completed my typing test successfully…can i expect final selection
plzz friends tell me
Dear Krishna,
The final selection will be made based on the marks scored in “Paper I and Paper II” together.So as your marks were low in Paper I,you would have to secure 95% of marks in Paper II.Then only you can expect your final section in India Post.All the best
in the notification paper II only qualifying nature…merit will be based on the paper I….so how can it put together paper I and paper II?…..
Dear Krishna,
The final selection will be made based on Paper I and Paper II marks.If it is only qualifying nature,many students can qualify paper II as many candidates have good typing speed.So final selection can be based on merit score in both Paper I and Paper II.
I’m from TamilNadu.. I got 55 marks in Paper 1. And I hope I will get through Paper II too. Can I get a chance to be in the shortlisted list???
We shall wait and see because there is a separate cut off for each State in India and it basically depends on the highest mark secured in Tamil Nadu postal circle.
Sir, 77 marks in gujrat, data entry 24 kiye the or typing spd 30 se km v ho skta h, kya final selection ho skta h, reply plzzzzzz.
What is the result date of Bihar circle of postal assistant 2014…..it has been cancelled…
Postal Assistant Recruitment 2014 taking long time,so do not worry we shall get result of Paper I and will get call for Paper II also.Kindly watch for the next result.
i missed my paper 2 on 8th nov in maharashtra postal circle.can i appear in other batch
Dear Reshma,
You can drop your query on this Email ID: [email protected]
You will surely get a solution and steps to move forward.
All the Best
Dear Torsha,
You have got less marks in Paper I (73 marks).So you would have to get 90% of marks in Paper II computer Test.Then your chances will be good.But your performance was not up to the level so We think there will be many members deserve the same post.
Sir, typing spd 30 se km v rhega to result aa skta h ya nhi, data entry 24 fill up kiye the, paper I me 77 marks h gujrat me gen cat, final selection ho skta h ya nhi..
what is the result date of typing test of haryana circle of postal assistant 2014.
Will be declared soon.But Keep logging in to the page for more updates with your login credentials.
how many keywords in one row? on an average
how many keystrokes are there in one row on print?
My name pinkesh sir typing ka result kb aayega
Will be declared soon.But keep logging for more updates to the link provided below by entering your details.http://www.pasadrexam2014.in/Dop_User_Login.aspx
When gujrat PA SA result post offfice
willbe declared ( merit list)
Dear Atul,will be released soon.Keep logging in to the following link with login credentials.
when will maharashtra final result declare??
and where to check my final result??
Kindly keep loggin to the following details regularly with your login credentials,you may check your final result this way.But keep logging in to the following link.
Rahul sir, when will be final merit list of Maharashtra declared?
Declared soon and keep logging in to the following link,to get result updates.
Sir postal assistant ka vacancies fir se kb aayega.
Dear Ravish kumar,we may expect in March or April month 2015.Keep preparing for exam well.
hello sir.
I hv scored 14 in gk.16 in eng 17 in math n 21 in gi
nd hv done my typing+ data ntry gud.
m frm wb circle st category.overall scored 68
so wat is my chance for final selection.
Expected final list for west Bengal ??
hi rahul, i m from tamilnadu circle. i got 51 in paper 1 and completed paper2. nd i m from sc category. am i got any chance in final list nd when the result will be publish?
Result will be published soon,until keep logging in to the following link with login details.Selection will be made based on Merit.
rahul sir do we need 30wpm for final selectio.n
Srinath Much the typing speed More the no.of chances for selection.
sir one thing i need to ask you is 30 wpm necessary to all circles or it will change to circle to circle if a x person get 75 in paper one and 29 wpm in typing and y person get 73 and 30 wpm in typing who would have more chances according to you. do you know the exact information on 30 wpm. please clarify my doubt sir
Rahul Gujrat paper 1 ka cutt of gen ke liye kya tha?????
Iam from uc category i scored 66 in 1st paper and might get qualify for 2nd test…so there is any chance for final selection…
Reply please….
I’m from maharashtra circle got 66 marks and qualified in paper 2 maharshtra obc cut off is 63 i am from obc category what are my chances for final selection
Sir m gujrat circle se hu mene 78 marks liye paper 1 me or typing test me 33 entry ki he or 38 ki speed nikali he 20 eror he sir kya mera slection ho skta he or genral cat. Se hu
sir this year we see total different some selected candidates are saying that no need 30wpm speed
No srinath,entire selection process will be made based on the instructions given in the notification.And final selection will be made based on the marks counted together.
sir am rizwan from Andhra pradesh circle..
I got 72 in paper-1, and very much confident about paper-2 as well as my typing is good. am of PH-III category.. what are my chances to get selected????? please reply me sir..
Thanks in advance..
wilthey prefer 30wpm which is given as to be typed at tje min speed of 30 or they see combined if ttping 18 and dataentry 28 overall 80 please.give clarificarion
Hai Rahul,
Im from TN belongs to OBC and I got 55 marks in Paper 1. I shortlisted for paper 2 and I attended the same. But I have a doubt. All are saying that the final cutoff for OBC will be very high. Then why they called the candidates for the paper 2 those who got less in aptitude?? When the result willl be announced?? The department taking too long time.. Its very bad..
Rahul Sir m gujrat se hu mere marks 78 he meri typing hu chuki he mene 33 Entry ki he or 37 ki speed nikali he jisme 20 eror he mera slection ho skta he kya
When will tamilnadu postal circle result for pa/sa will be expected to out rahul??
I’m from maharashtra circle got 67marks and qualified in paper 2 maharshtra obc cut off is 63 i am from obc category what are my chances for final selection. Please inform me what is the date of the final result.
rahul sir kya app bata skte ho ki up circle ka kb tk result aayyega or kitna marrit h up. ka
plz sir reply .
or sir data entry ka kya pattern h .. sir plz help.
Rahul Ji. I am from Tamil Nadu. I am waiting for the results final. In my typing exam my speed is 50WPM. If i get accuracy in typing below 95% means, i will be rejected.?? whether they will consider only typing accuracy or data entrya accuracy. Please tell the procedure on accuracy. Thank you ji.
Hello rahul,
Due to some reason i was not able to check my result for paper-i U.P circle(answer key). So, i dont know about my result for paper-i , as now i am logging on website with my registration no. and password nothing is shown except my exam date , circle and answer key button which is unpressable. So, please tell me further process. How can i know my result for paper-i whether i was qualified for paper-ii or not.
Rahul Sir i have appeared for skill test for Maharashtra circle and my speed for skill test was 20
i have taken down barcode given at the end for skill and data test they are skill = 00200166001570 and data = 00190149042057
my score is 66 in written test im from SC category.
Please let me know do i stand a chance in final merit list.
Rahul sir, what about Andhra Pradesh Final results Obc cut off marks are 70, i got 74 marks in paper 1 what are my chances for final selection pl. give me reply, already 1 month 20 days gone but till date results not given.
How to we got correct information about final results date.,
Pl. give me reply.
Up exam cancelled.
Sir, Is this true news, huge number of upcoming vacancies of postal assistant in 2015 ?
Sir, Is this true news, huge number of upcoming vacancies of postal assistant in 2015?
May be Ravish …We are also hearing the same..And Who told you ?
One of my friends is postal assistant, he told me that huge number of upcoming vacancies of postal assistant.
We all wish to have good and huge number of vacancies to be filled for Postal Assistant posts.And start your very good preparation from now to achieve it.
Dear Sir,
I scored 70 marks in Paper-I (Open Category) from Maharashtra Circle and also qualified Paper-II (120 marks).
So Please tell me, Is there any chance to select in final selection list?
Yes sure. There is good chances.
Rahul sir up circle has been cancelled…agar cancel hain to re-exam kab lega….please sir say such type of info…..
maharashtra circle ka paper II ka result kab tak expected hai
Sir.. I m from ap. I got 79 marks in paper 1. Is there any chance? When ap final result will come?
I am from ap. I got 79 marks and my paper 2 was average. Is there any chances ? When ap result will come?
When will be out the final result of Andhra Pradesh circle….
Can anybody please tell me that what is the scene for UP region??? Will the exam be conducted again or what?????????
good news delhi circle up circle re typing hogi pa sa 2014 recuirtment aap court m appeal kr do kyoki delhi circle walo ne case dal diya hai
When ap state final result will come?
kisi ko koi idea he kya ki …… mp ka result kab tak aayega….. apart from ki “bahut jaldi aayega… ya bas aane hi wala he”…. ab to bas had hi krdi he postal walo ne …. last result bhi 13 nov ko aaya tha … 2 mahine hone wala…. its really disappointing
when AP pa/sa final result
Rahul sir , any news for maharashtra circle final result?
i am from tamil nadu sir, i attended the pa sa exam at may month and i cleared the 1st paper . and i am also attended the 2nd paper before two months. the result will not come. when will the result come sir ? pls
We are requesting everybody to help each other. As we are getting huge numbers of queries on our website so it is very difficult for us to answer each and every query. We are doing our best. Kindly help each other.
There is a news from the postal officials that the pa sa of mp has been cancelled due to the Mp state postal union and some of senior officals activities. or might be possible the result is put on held…. kindly confirm if there is such news
Sir, postal assistant ka vacancies kb aayega?
Very soon Ravish, I think in March 2015
Are Rahul Sir ji kuch to bolo yaar kya lagta he mp pa sa 2014 ka….. cancle hua ya kuch or ??? bajut time ho gaya
Madhya Pradesh postal assistant Re-Exam schedule has been out…Candidates can check here.
Good Luck
When will take re-exam of postal assistant of up circle 2014.
Please rahul sir…
Hello Rahul sir i am from mp postal circle my exam was on 15 march 2015 and 75 marks from gen categiri is there any chance for me for ll paper sir data entry me kya name or address hi aayega ya or kuch bhi sir please tell me
Rahul sir, postal assistant ka vacancies aayega ya nhi, have you any information?
According to our sources Reexamination of Himachal Pradesh Circle and Bihar will be held on 24th May. In a day or two days you will get notification on official website 🙂
So guys be ready be prepare 🙂 All the best.
Rahul sir 24 MAY ko sirf HP ke exam ka update hua bihar ka nhi aur please Rahul sir UTTAR PRADESH ka kab hoga bataaaye sir mein aapka bahut bada abhaari rahunga
We will let you know. Keep Visiting our website. For now there is no information regarding same but probably it will be in next month. 🙂
Sir computer typing test and data entry test handi me hoga ya english me its our choise or not
Jharkhand pa sa ka final merit list kab aayega
Pls sir koi news ho tho bataye jharkhand ka final merit kab tak aayega
Koi batao kab tak aayega jhar pa sa ka final meit list
Rahul sir Bihar circle ka DOP POSTAL ASSISTANT RE-EXAM kab hoga PLEASE SIR HELP
Dear sir,
what minimum accruacy required in typing test of pa/sa exam in delhi circle.
I had done 43 gross speed but error are too much 20 error are entered by me.
in typing test according to me my accruacy is 95-97% .
so, is there any change for getting 40 marks in typing test
You just need 30wpm speed with accuracy of 98%. Try to practice with more accuracy.
pardeep i have same problem in typing test ….. u got select in typing test or not…..
please share your no.
or please contact to me #85870-91441
Need your help i m feeling very nurvous
Rahul sir when will take re-exam of postal assistant 2014 of uttar Pradesh circle please sir help us
Dear Rahul, I have selected person for pa/Sa exam 2014 maharashtra in merit list as a ex.servicemen quata. vide merit list dtd 15/01/2015 but yet not coll for joining duty. so request to you kind information about further action report.
Sir please tell me why ap circle hold the selected candidates for call to appointment
sir mppost office ka typing test ka result kab tak aaega
please share your contact no. or call me on 85870-91441.
acctualy i m waiting for my result (delhi circle) . feel nurvous about result …. want to know about what acctual accruacy required in typing test …..
When will take re-exam of postal assistant 2014 of UTTAR PRADESH circle please sir Aapko iss samay humlogo ki help karni chahiye
hi sir,
when will get the order of pa/sa maharahstra circle 2014?
will cat court given final decesion?
I have selected both list given by DOPT of maharashtra circle. But lot of time had gone i have not got the order
have you any information about this process?
plz tell me sir
Sir uttar Pradesh postal assistant re-exam ?? Sir exam month Hi share kar dijiye kaun month mein hoga thanks in advance
Sir UP circle postal assistant ka LOGIN KARNE PER…Exam Detail
For any other query write to [email protected]
Yeh show kar raha hai kya re-exam ho gaya hai or result aayega kya??
Please bataaye
Jharkhand postal circle ka final merit list kab aayega please reply early
mp pa/sa ka redult kb. Aayeaga
Maharashtra ka typing result ka tk me dega avi kuchh information nhi aaya hai kb tk me clear karega
Actually I just checked the results of PA SA EXAM 2014 and I found that I have cleared it. But nobody informed me about anything and no type of communication from Indian Post.
Tell me what should I do now?
delhi circle pa sa ke jitne candidate h kirpa 9991404142 no pr call kare. re typing hogi delhi circle pa sa ki.
please contact me 9991404142 only delhi circle pa sa exam 2015 march jinka computer test hua tha only candidate
maharsthra circle typing test abhi nhi hoga delhi circle walo ne case dal diya hai ki unki bhi re typing ho dobara
delhi circle re typing test hoga
delhi circle pa sa 2014 re typing test hoga coming soon.
mai jitendra kumar delhi ps/sa re exam 2015 ka tak final hoga
mai jitendra kumar mera con no 09504579039. mai delhi
Ranchi ke bare kuch hai