NALCO Recruitment Graduate Engineers through GATE 2014, inviting applications from eligible candidates to fill up 125 number of vacancies. NALCO National Aluminium Company Limited, a Navratna Company is the largest integrated Alumina-Aluminium complex of Asia. NALCO is looking for 125 Graduate Engineers with brilliant academic career to join this organization as Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET).NALCO Recruitment 2014 is in the several disciplines mentioned below. NALCO Eligibility Criteria, Age, other qualifications provided below in detail. Interested candidates are requested to apply for this NALCO Recruitment 2014 from 25th May, 2014 to 30th June, 2014.
Name of the Company: NALCO (National Aluminium Company Limited)
NALCO is: A Navratna Company
Name of the Job Position: Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET)
Recruitment through: GATE 2014 Exam
Important Dates:
Starting date of online submission of Application: 25th May, 2014
Last date of submission of online application: 30th June, 2014
No. Of Vacancies:
General Category: 64 posts
OBC: 33 posts
ST: 09 posts
SC: 19 posts
PWD [OH (05) & HH (10)]: 15 posts
Educational Qualification:
1).Graduate with GATE 2014 valid score are eligible to apply. Final year candidates of Engineering/MCA are also eligible to apply.
2).Graduates from the following Disciplines, having respective prescribed full time engineering are eligible
Computer Science
Age Criteria: (as on 30th June, 2014)
Upper age limit: 30 years
Pay Scale: Rs.16,400-Rs.40,500/- during first one year training
Selection Process:
1).Candidates must have valid GATE 2014 Score for the recruitment of NALCO Graduate Engineer Trainees
2).Based on the GATE 2014 score, candidates will be shortlisted for Interview. Candidates will be shortlisted on the basis of Merit.
3).Gate 2014 score is valid only if the candidates obtained more than or equal to the Qualifying marks as fixed for the above various papers by GATE 2014.
How to APPLY for NALCO Recruitment?
1).Candidates are required to Apply Online in NALCO indicating their GATE 2014 Registration number.
2).Candidates who do not mention their GATE 2014 Registration number, those applications will be rejected.
3).NALCO Applications will be available in the following link from 25th May, 2014 to 30th June, 2014
4).Candidates are requested to apply Online for this Recruitment through GATE 2014 properly
5).Candidates are required to upload the Scanned copy of their recent passport size colour Photograph, Gate 2014 Admit Card, Signature which are identical to that they have submitted along with the GATE 2014 application form
Click here to APPLY ONLINE for NALCO
Click here for NALCO Official Notification
Click here for Official Website
Note: Candidates can obtain other more details in the Notification which provided above.