About Manipur Public Service Commission (Manipur PSC):- The Manipur Public Service Commission (Manipur PSC) announced the vacant medical officer posts. The Manipur Public Service Commission (Manipur PSC) invites the applications from the interested applicants. The Manipur Public Service Commission (Manipur PSC) provides all the required information to the applicants in notification. The needed information about the posts in Manipur Public Service Commission (Manipur PSC) discussed in the format. The Manipur Public Service Commission (Manipur PSC) wants recruit the 579 number of applicants. So, this is the best chance to get a job for the applicants. The eligible applicants can apply accordingly.
About Manipur Public Service Commission, Medical Officer Posts Recruitment 2014:-
Name of the Post:-Medical Officer Grade- IV.
Total number of Posts:- 579 posts.
Offered Salary:- Rs. 9300-34800/- Grade pay Rs. 5400/-
Important Dates:-
- Last Date of Receipt Application Form: 22nd October 2014.
- Date of Written examination: 27th October 2014.
Qualification & Eligibility Criteria:-
Medical Officer Grade- IV:- The applicants should have done MBBS degree or equivalent. The degree should be valid and done from the recognized university or institute. The degree f the applicants must be satisfied by the Indian Medical Council Act 1956.The applicants must have the marks above 40% .
Age Limits:- The applicants shall not be less than 21 years & shall not be exceeded than 38 years.
Note: – The age limit criteria relax able for the SC/ST/OBC applicants as per the govt rules.
Selection Process:- the applicants will be selected on the behalf of conducted:
- Written Examination.
How to Apply:-
The interested applicants can apply for the posts they have to attach the following copies along with the application form:
- Qualification Certificate.
- Date of Birth Certificate.
- Category Certificate.
The prescribed application form along with scheme of examination & syllabus will be available on cash payment of Rs. 100/- at the commission’s counter from 23rd September 2014.
Examination Fee:-
The examination fee for the General & OBC applicants is Rs. 200/-. The examination fee for the SC/ST applicants is Rs. 50/-. The fee is submitted along with the application form at Manipur Public Service Commission counter.
Official Links:-
Click here to go on official website
Click here to see the full notification
Note:- The interested applicants must have to submit the application form before the date 22nd October 2014. And the Date of Written examination is 27th October 2014.