One can download the call letter from the given site.
There are totalĀ 525 vacancies in RBI.
Selection process
Selection process is based on the written test which is going to held in July month across the country.
After that those candidate who have cleared the exam they call for the interview. but before that does candidate who want to give RBI assistant exam in July they need to download call letter from the official website of RBI.
All the best to all the guys who will going to attend the RBI assistant exam in the month of July.
How to download call letter
1) You need to go to the official website of RBI Click Here
2) A new window automatically open click on the recruitment assistant
3) After that you need to select a language as either English or Hindi please select a language.
4) Then you need to enter your registration number and date of birth or you can also add password.
5) Then click on the submit button
6) Now you can download your admit card or you can print your call letter.
Date of RBI assistant online exam-
Exam is going to held in the month of July respective dates are 20 , 21 ,27 and 28 2013