If you are thinking to donate your car then you are came at right place. We will tell you best things to do before donating your car. As if you want to donate your car in any charity or to any organisation then this is the best thing you are doing In this world. As your car may help many poor children’s and other peoples who are in that organisation. If you want to donate your car then you may need to have care about some things.
First of all you need to check all pockets and backside of car. Sometime what happened while donating a car some of our documents which are in Car also goes with car to other organisation and charity. So you need to care about this that no important documents other than car document residing in your car.
The other thing you need to care about all Car Document must be present if you want to donate your car. As after donating the car organisation will definitely ask you about the document of your car. So always double check either you have all necessary document of Car which you want to donate.
And the last and very important thing always sign a bond between you and the organisation that you will donate your car to them at no price. So that in future you and organisation will both have proof that you have donated your car to them and now you don’t have any right over it. These documents are necessary to fill and need to duly signed among the both parties who is donating a car and who is taking the donated car.
So if you want to donate your car then you need to follow above points carefully. They may help to donate your car safely.