Tips to earn more with google adsense

Google AdSense is one amongst the simplest ways that to create cash on-line. When you’re making a web site in an exceedingly smart niche, you’ll be able to add Google AdSense to the pages for a bit additional financial gain.
Since you’re operating among a distinct segment, Google AdSense can provide you ads on a particular area of your site that area unit specific to your keywords. This is often nice for having ads on your web site. You’re able to begin creating a bit additional income from your web site by Adsense Program. Adsense are often very powerful once enforced properly.
There are No. of Tips and Tricks by which you can increase your income-

Using Keywords-
Keywords plays the major role in your earning and you can say using better and correct keywords enhance your earning in just few days.
If you just start a website then try to add low competitive keywords instead of high competitive keywords.
Now Question arises Why to use Low competitive keywords-
So if you are using high competitive keywords then there is less chance of rank in google search first page and if you are not listed on first or second page then obvious your traffic is low.And if traffic is low then earning is low.
Earning directly proportional to traffic so try to increase traffic first instead of using high competitive keywords.
Best method of getting traffic is to use low competitive keywords.
Disadvantage of using Low competitive keywords-
Your earning may be low at starting but in order to increase traffic which is the main source of your earning is very important for any site.So as we know after a black night there is bright morning so don’t worry if you able to attract more visitors on your site your earning graph goes increases and increases.

Updating New Content:
Yes what all we do post and post content. We are just concentrate on posting bulk content. But for any site bulk content is not a main reason for higher ranking.
So what is the main reason?
Yes Fresh and quality content is the major reason of getting high ranking.
So update your content regularly don’t post too much just update your site with fresh and unique content. But if you can write daily for your website then Of course it is the best way to generate traffic on your website but again make sure you are using best keywords for your site to get higher adsense earning.

Choose Best size of ads :
To increase adsense earning you need to experiment with your ads.
Google allows experiment with your ads at some extent.Yes you read write words at some extent.
Daily changing the ads size and placement of ads lead to ban your google adsense account.
So to avoid this try to use 300X250 because many of publishers says that this is the best ad size to get higher earning.
But again try this and if this is not working for you then you may use other ads also.
You can use maximum of 3 ads per page.
So avoid to adding more than 3 ads coding on your site.
It leads to permanent adsense ban.

Color Coordinate of Ads

This is very important that your ads color must match with your website color.
if you are using black and white combination (Your site in white color and ads are in black) then surely no one will click on your ads.So try to match your ads color with your website color and if they are matching then there will be higher chances of clicking on your ads. Make sure that the all border colors, the background colors, link colors and the text colors all match your site.

Don’t Use Too Many Ad Network.

What we are doing in order to make good amount of money we are using more than 3 or 4 ad networks and even some sites are using more than 5 ads networks They are just loosing there traffic.
When you can add more ad networks-
1) When you have content which is not available on other site.
2) When you are 100% sure you have quality content and user have to must watch your content at any cost.

And i don’t think you are still here because you have quality and unique content which is only available at your site.
So what to do just use google adsense for first six months and after onwards apply for network like infolinks,Chitika etc.
and start advertising and again not too much.
I think 3 google adsense ads and 2 other ads are sufficient on a single page.

So try to follow above tips to enhance your earning.

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