Attending for Interview?? Tips for Men&Women

First Impression is an unbeatable impression which can be gained with in Seven(7) seconds of span.So you need to respond as quickly as possible in order to make a blazing first impression.In any Recruitment process,the final round of the selection is only “INTERVIEW”.So If we are very extreme at this round,surely the Job is Yours.Because Most of the candidates loose heir opportunity in the Final Round.Then Why don’t you gear up and tackle this round easily unlike others ??

Interview tips

In any Selection process the Toughness of the round gradually Increases.It means For instance if there are three rounds in the Recruitment process,let’s imagine the first Round is APTITUDE TEST,and the Second Round is “Just a Minute(JAM) or Group Discussion” round.And the Final Round is “INTERVIEW”.

→ Aptitude or Written Test

→ Group Discussion(GD) or Just a Minute(JAM)


As far as maximum of the students are concerned ,they are good at Aptitude test or written Test,because they have been spent their time for learning these kind of things.Coming to the Second Round”Group Discussion” round,in which students are tested on the Language skills,how they communicate with others,and Leadership qualities among the Group participate in the Group Discussion round.

Maximum of students may Proceed to the Interview round.Actual skills and Qualities come in to the Actual Picture now on Which candidate are not taught about so far.As many students do not concentrate on the Final Interview round,many of them getting rejected at this Round.

If you concentrate on this round INTERVIEW surely you will be the Job Holder.You can only be the one can get selected in the Final round showing various dis-similarities with other members.To get qualified and get selected in the Final Round,you need to follow some Factors.

@ Dress Code for INTERVIEW

@ Etiquette(Behavior) in the INTERVIEW room

@@@ Things to be maintained at the INTERVIEW Panel @@@

→ Best before attending for the Interview try to get Knowledge of the Company Profile that you are going to attend for

→ Take your Chair and Sit only when asked to do so

→ Smile play a very major role in the entire session,It represents your Facial Expression

→ When you are invited to talk something, “Introduce Yourself”.This is a very good chance to talk about something and Introduce What you are actually,Personal traits,Hobbies,Achievements

→ You must be in a Position to give an example of your Achievements or Traits

→ Which ever you talk, Speak very clearly so that the Interview can get good impression on you instantly

→ Maintain Good Eye contact with the Interview,which plays a very key role

→ Be cool,and Relax.Try to sit in a good posture because Proper posture is Imperative

→ Be confident while you speaking,do not be nervous to say Hello to the New people you meet

→ Be Sincere,Discipline,Self Confidence,Initiative,Courageous,Cheerful,Enthusiastic to listen

→ Keeping in mind,and performing all these then You are Half Done

@@@ Dress Code for Interview @@@

Dressing appropriately makes good impression in Interviews.With in 7 seconds of time,you can surely impress Interviewers.Try to follow the Dress code properly to get selected easily.

Dress Code for MEN:

* Maintain Trimmed Hair cut,clean shaved,maintain a Warm Smile

* The formal dress is to be weared,have a feel of confidence

* Maintaining the Correct Body posture tells WHAT YOU ARE

* Short hair cut gives better look ,also trim your Fingernails

* A Two piece suit can be acceptable for Interview

* Wear Navy or any other dark color suits are very suitable

* Make fresh haircut and use Appropriate tie which can be suitable with the Suit

* Button down dress shirt can be weared,use Polished dress shoes Dark in Color

Dress Code for WOMEN:

* Many girls get confused whether to wear saree or traditional dress / or else the Western suit

* It mainly depends on the Interview which kind of Interview you are going to

* Light button Shirt can be acceptable for the Business Professional interviews

* Appropriate length skirt,and Pressed suit can be used

* Use only natural Make up and never use Bulky Jewellery

* Carry nice Portfolio and enter in to the Interview room with confidence

Things Not to do:

* Do not wear mismatched socks and Unpolished shoes

* Untucked shirt is not to be weared,do not use Red,Yellow or Green Tie

Note:Do not wear clothes which are very tight or short.Also do not wear clothes which are too loose and too long.But be sure to wear,the clothes which you feel that you are comfortable keeping in mind the above all Instructions.Wish you All the very best for your Interview,Perform well & get succeeded…

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