Computer Peripheral Interface Hand Written Notes Download Baddi University

Computer Peripheral Interface Hand Written Notes Download Baddi University

Today we are with the hand written notes of Computer Peripheral Interface specially for Baddi university.Computer Peripheral is a Theoretical subject which generally comes in the 5th or 6th semester of Computer Science OR in IT engineering.


We have included these topics in these notes.Full notes will be available soon.
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SYSTEM RESOURCES: Interrupt, DMA Channel, I/O Port Addresses and resolving and resolving the conflict of resources. I/O busesISA, EISA, Local bus, VESA Local bus, PCI bus, PCI Express, Accelerated graphics port bus.

IDE & SCSI Interfaces: IDE origin, IDE Interface ATA standards ATA1 to ATA7. ATA feature, ATA RAID and SCSI RAID, SCSI Cable and pin Connector pin outs SCSI V/s IDE Advantages and limitation.


Video Hardware: Video display technologies, DVI Digital signals for CRT Monitor, LCD Panels, Video adapter types, Integrated Video/ Motherboard chipset, Video RAM, Video driver and multiple Monitor, Graphic accelerators. Advanced 3D Technologies, TV Tuner and Video Capture upgrades troubleshooting Video Cards and Drivers.



I/O Interfaces: I/O Interfaces from USB and IEEE1394, I/O Interface from serial and Parallel to IEEE1394 and USB 961, Parallel to SCSI converter. Testing of serial and parallel port, USB Mouse/ Keyboard Interfaces



Input/ Output Driver software aspects: Role of device driver DOS and UNIX/ LINUX device drivers.

Design & Integration of Peripheral devices to a computer system as a Case Study

Future Trends: Detailed Analysis of recent Progress in the Peripheral and Bus systems. Some aspects of cost Performance analysis while designing the system

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