How to Calculate SGPA and CGPA Baddi University


How to Calculate SGPA and CGPA Baddi University

Most of students are not aware of how to calculate SGPA and CGPA in Baddi University.  According to Student Study Hub survey only 10% of students knows how to calculate SGPA and CGPA and there is one more interesting fact that these 10% students have above 8 Pointer.

So there is simple logic behind why boys are not getting good pointers in their semester. We will look into how to get good pointer like above 7 or 8 very easily.

But for now let’s look into How to Calculate Pointer.

Calculate SGPA

Sample SGPA

Now take an example-

SGPA Sample
Note-In the above example Points Secured is calculated by Multiplying Total Credits X Grade points.

SGPA is calculated by dividing your points secured by Total Subject Credits.

 Now come to the point how to improve your CGPA.

Take a look back again to below image.

Sample SGPA

If you are getting 69 Marks out of 100 and then you will be awarded with B grade  which mean 7 Grade point and when you calculate your Points secured then

Course credit=3.5
Your Grade Point-7

Now your total Points secured=7X3.5=24.5

But same think if you will increase your marks by requesting your teacher by 1 Mark. Then you will be awarded with the B+ Grade.

Course credit=3.5
Your Grade Point-8

And now your total point secured=8X3.5=28

And it will increase your total points as well as pointer for sure.

So always note down your marks and confirm with your teacher at the end of exams and if you are in same like above case then request your teacher to increase 1 or 2 mark to get good pointer.

Our survey says that girls are more sincere about their marks and grade points. So that’s the reason they have good pointer even after scoring not too well in Exams.

I would like to request to our readers if you find anything wrong with this article then kindly suggest us. We always welcome our mistakes and we will remove them as soon as possible.

We are going to soon launch a software in which you can calculate your SGPA and CGPA very easily.



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